Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Listen For Yourself

Many people have asked what the reasons for dissolving the Downingtown Historic and Parks Commission were. None of the ex-commission members could give a clear answer not even the ones who were in attendance at the meeting other than it is political retribution at it's finest.  Since many residents do not attend council meetings you really deserve to hear what went on in the meeting the evening that Council President Gazzerro along with DiStefano, Rakoff and McGlone pulled a fast one on council members Winkler and Feldman, and let it slip that they had meetings outside of council chambers and executive sessions.

Reading the brief recount of council meeting minutes does not reflect half of what is actually said in meetings and it's a true shame that residents don't let themselves be informed of what goes on.  I can read a police report of an accident but it does not give me an idea of the fear and horror that goes with it if I have not been in the accident itself.

Pat McGlone stated in the DLN that listening to the discussions shoe voted to split the commission, but if you truly listen to what is being said that is NOT what is discussed and there were no reasons given to split the commission.  Also in the 5 years that I have attended council meetings I have NEVER seen Ms. McGlone attend a council meeting.  If she did it was a meeting that I missed, but that is something I truly doubt so how would she be privy to any discussions about anything?

Listen to the recording and make up your own mind.


  1. not a fan of commisson

    no regrets its gone

    1. Typical reply of an uninformed member of the town. Bury your head in the sand until something happens to you. Like the comission or not the point is our elected officers are not representing the best needs of the people that put them there. How can they have discussions before the meeting to bring fourth a motion??? That violates law! Hear of the Sunshine act? For nothing else call out leaders for violations. But then again it is easier to type "not a fan of comsision ne regrets its gone" on a blog VS getting involved. Stay at home where you belong


  2. No problem not everyone is fan of everything. But I am sure that Main Street can cost you so much more putting on their events and "upgrades" to the town that you will appreciate them. Of course when the $25,000 that they need from the borough to stay solvent gets to be too much and the fact that the commission was self supporting is remembered come talk to me then.

  3. were you two the only ones in the boro not in the know

    1. what a punk comment ... even 2 of the Council persons did not even know. Along with a lot of others.... Go bait for a fish elsewhere scum

    2. Were what two the only ones? Take a really good look at many of the posts on Facebook on several places. Many are upset and many did not know, but I guess if you are part of MSA you would know since meetings took place outside of executive sessions and council meetings. I could really waste a lot of time being upset, but it frees up more time for me. None of us will be putting in countless hours planning and executing events for the (sic) "boro". Well that is SOME of us won't be putting in countless hours we have all heard the rumblings as to what deals are being done and we are not ignorant enough to not to know whose fobs still work and whose don't. I just think that the backroom politics and quite possibly illegal activities that are being perpetrated by the council is what the residents need to know about, but hey if you want to hide behind short incomplete sentences and try to make me mad go right ahead I feel bad for you and the residents that have been duped. I KNEW what kind of people they were. BTW it's spelled Borough there is no such word as boro.

  4. After listening to the recording, reading the articles and public notices in the DLN and reading the chapters in the Borough Codes, it does look obvious that the reason for the deleting Historical & Parks Commission, Chapter 39 is because the current Rulers of the Borough do not like certain people who have volunteered their time to it.

    The Rulers of the Borough, be they current or former Council members, Borough administration, developers and/or members of other volunteer commissions and associations, want to remove all commission volunteers who do not agree with them and businesses that are not part of their agenda or agree with their vision for the betterment of the community.

  5. do you write your own reviews???

  6. These comments are in response to what ELAINE wrote in her blog. They are NOT 'reviews.'' As you can see - hopefully - Elaine does make comments to what people write here. I'm not always a fan of what and how she writes, but she's certainly entitled to her opinion and should not be bothered with snide statements.

  7. The Historic and Parks Commission, like other quality institutions, was undone from the inside out. By this I mean certain members, through childish and damaging behavior at meetings and forums as well as direct contact with businesses in Downingtown poisoned the waters for open communication and resolution. I am not aware of all the people who acted in this detrimental manner but I have the initials of one......Elaine Babcock

    1. Wow I have more power than I thought. So does that mean with a single stroke I can rid council of people I don't like? Oh goody!! So I can go through town and expunge businesses that I think are not beneficial to the borough? Oh hooray!!! I guess I can then evict people from their homes too since I seem to wield that much power.

      Why not ask Mayor Maxwell who is childish when he came to a meeting of H&P and tried to slander my character with lies and untruths and then couldn't justify nor provide proof of any of his accusations.

      Ask Cara about how we were well acquainted and on speaking terms until she pulled a fast one during her election and tried to make her opponent look like an incompetent uneducated person AND I backed off supporting the Kardon Park issue in favor of the borough.

      If you are not aware of all the people who supposedly acted in this detrimental way then you have no business calling me out other than you are either best buds with the mayor or you are making libelous accusations and I will investigate your IP address. Just keep that in mind.

      If you don't like me that is fine, I probably don't like you either, but don't make accusations you can't back up. You either show up here with proof of what you have said within 48 hours or I will delete your comment, but I will have to think about whether or not to file legal action.

    2. Interesting, indeed! (Thank you to anonymous at 1/31/2014 at 1:56 PM) After reading the first line, it’s obvious that you are and never were a member of H&PC. That said, I seriously question your statement that ‘certain members’ acted with ‘childish and damaging behavior’ at Commission meetings and other settings AND behaved with the same lack of maturity while visiting Borough businesses.

      The only occasion I can think of is Mayor Maxwell’s indiscretions when he came into a meeting and accused Ms. Babcock of something she apparently did not do. Yes, the Mayor’s childish and damaging behavior caused most of the members of the Committee to leave the meeting early.

      Perhaps you happened to spy Ms. Babcock talking with a local business owner? Perhaps, while gathering the information above, you spoke with the same business owners Ms. Babcock had conversations with?

      It seems to me that your accusations are hearsay. You heard someone say something negative about H&PC and/or Ms. Babcock who had heard someone say a few disparaging remarks about her and/or the Commission….even though no one making the comments had ever been to an H&PC meeting!

      Bottom line is this: your statements, made on Jan. 31 at 1:31 PM are malicious rumors.
