Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Airing Dirty Laundry

Up till now I have kept quiet about the treatment that the mayor of Downingtown dishes out on a frequent basis in private, but since he is running for public office, maybe it's time for it to become public.

Mayor Maxwell was arrested for DUI Aug 20, 2011.  The Wednesday before he taunted me stating that I wanted to see him gone from politics.  I told him to be careful what he wished for, but that it wouldn't be at my hand.  The story hit the papers and comments abounded how Mr. Maxwell had made a mistake and that many others as young as he had made mistakes etc.  Admittedly I do not tolerate people who drink and drive at all.  We have all seen and been made aware of the consequences of even one beer or glass of wine being consumed, so no one can plead ignorance.  However, that is exactly what a mistake is.  It is creating or acting in a situation without prior knowledge of the consequences that could follow.  Therefore, Mr. Maxwell did NOT make a mistake he made a choice of which I pointed out to many whom commented that he was a good guy and made a mistake.  Comments also were made that the young man that Maxwell had run against in the prior election probably would have made the same mistake.  My rebuttal was that the opponent was mature, had a stable job, a wife and was living in his own home.  None of which Mr. Maxwell was doing at the time in fact he was living with his mother.  I also stated that there were great people in AA too, but that did not excuse their behavior.

Mr. Maxwell became incensed that his "mistake" was called into question and he felt that he could use his "mistake" to impugn my character.  Mayor Maxwell then used my comments as a way to gain leverage against me insinuating to me on the phone that H&P's budget was conditional on my remarks about his behavior and that council members had questioned why he would want to help me when I said he should be in AA and he was an alcoholic.  I still cannot seem to find that comment of mine anywhere!

Fast forward to January of the next year when Mr. Maxwell decided that he would make a run for the state rep seat against Becky Corbin.  A point to remember here is that Mr. Maxwell had entered the ARD program for "first offenders of DUI".  I happened to see a photograph of Mr. Maxwell on a then friend's wall that showed Mr. Maxwell at his fundraiser at Victory Brewery just 2 months after negotiating to enter the ARD program and I commented that it was a bit ironic his choice for a place to hold his fundraiser.  That most certainly did not sit well with Mr. Maxwell as he then decided to not only try and cast aspersions on me in Facebook messages, but also in a public meeting of the H&P Commission.  This is what he sent me on FB......"I supported you getting on H&P, it would not have happened without my support, and it was incredibly hurtful to see you criticize me for having a fundraiser at Victory, even tho i didn't or don't' drink"  He then proceeded to send the chairperson at that time numerous emails telling her to "do something with me."  When none of those tactics worked he showed up at a public meeting and proceeded to paint me in a light that he thought would get me kicked off the commission.  He lied and stated that MANY people had come to him and said that they wanted to volunteer, but that my presence made it impossible and that I had said things about all of them.  I offered to apologize to them personally face to face if indeed I had said something that hurt them if he would tell me who they were, but he tap danced around it saying that there were "just people"  sound familiar?

Mr. Maxwell was then called on the carpet by a fellow commission member and an apology was requested from him in an open council meeting.  Mr. Maxwell then decided to lie again and state that I had disrespected his mother at a time when there had been a crisis in their family and that he was sorry, BUT.  Mr. Maxwell I NEVER once did that.  I do not know your mother nor do I know your family history, nor do I care to.  I called you out on your DUI period, but since to you it's a mistake and you would rather sweep it under the carpet my comments became about anything, but what I really said.  This is all the tip of the iceberg Mr. Maxwell and there is just not enough blog space to account for your many machinations.

I do have to say congratulations Mr. Maxwell you managed to convince everyone that the H&P Commission members who actually care about the borough and do not like to be bullied by you or anyone else on council that we were evil incarnate and you never overstepped your bounds or lied to get what you wanted and the lies continue to this day, even though no one has said ANYTHING about you or council members that could be considered detrimental.  The residents of D'town may be fooled by your "Aw shucks, I'm just trying to help" attitude, but let's hope that the rest of the residents of the 74th district see right through you.


  1. Your letter certainly supplied new information as to why H&PC was disbanded. What I see now, and have been seeing for the past 4 years, is a young man swept up in politics and has internalized everything that other people have told him:
    You’re a great guy and should run for any political office available;
    We need YOU as Mayor to help the borough (us) stamp out everything that Ann Feldman says and does;
    YOU are the only guy who can make things work;
    We KNOW you hate the same people we hate and you can help us!

    Basically, it’s everything necessary to boost a false sense of self-worth and importance.

    All this has caused him to bury his conscience. He has no feelings of guilt or shame when he lies or makes foolhardy decisions. He is full of personal satisfaction after he interrupts Ms. Feldman at council meetings. His behavior, his attitude, how he speaks and what he says to others in public shows that he is immature and ill-prepared for public office.

    Another problem Maxwell has can be seen on his face. Acne can be caused by a number of reasons. Most people think of changing hormones or stress. Not many people realize that drinking regularly will depress your immune system which helps keep acne under control. A weakened immune system can cause bacteria to build up in your skin pores. Alcohol also leads to liver damage. The liver regulates a number of hormones, helps maintain steady blood sugar levels and removes toxins from your body. Anything that reduces liver functionality is likely to be bad for your skin.

    I do not feel that Mr. Maxwell should be congratulated for his deceit and immature behavior. Nor should Mr. Maxwell’s friends or ‘handlers’ be congratulated for their Pavlovian Conditioning of him.


  2. Your letter certainly supplied new information as to why H&PC was disbanded. What I see now, and have been seeing for the past 4 years, is a young man swept up in politics and has internalized everything that other people have told him:
    You’re a great guy and should run for any political office available; We need YOU as Mayor to help the borough (us) stamp out everything that Ann Feldman says and does; YOU are the only guy who can make things work; We KNOW you hate the same people we hate and you can help us!

    Basically, it’s everything necessary to boost a false sense of self-worth and importance.

    All this has caused him to bury his conscience. He has no feelings of guilt or shame when he lies or makes foolhardy decisions. He is full of personal satisfaction after he interrupts Ms. Feldman at council meetings. His behavior, his attitude, how he speaks and what he says to others in public shows that he is immature and ill-prepared for public office.

    Another problem Maxwell has can be seen on his face. Acne can be caused by a number of reasons. Most people think of changing hormones or stress. Not many people realize that drinking excessively on a regular basis will depress your immune system which helps keep acne under control. A weakened immune system can cause bacteria to build up in your skin pores. Alcohol also leads to liver damage. The liver regulates a number of hormones, helps maintain steady blood sugar levels and removes toxins from your body. Anything that reduces liver functionality is likely to be bad for your skin.

    I do not feel that Mr. Maxwell should be congratulated for his deceit and immature behavior. Nor should Mr. Maxwell’s friends or ‘handlers’ be congratulated for their Pavlovian Conditioning of him.

