Thursday, March 26, 2015

Travesty Of Injustice

It's been a long time since anything has made me mad enough to post things here.  I have become complacent that council and the mayor will do what they want when they want and even if it seems illegal there will be a way for them to sneak it past the residents.  I was taking my morning jaunt around Facebook and what do I see?  This post.  Now, please be aware when you are reading this post that the meeting that is scheduled for tomorrow Friday March 27th was so scheduled so that the 3 voting members of council that voted for Ms. Dixon will not be able to attend......Councilors Winkler, Rakoff and Feldman as these people have jobs that prohibit their attendance.   This is some of the worst backroom political maneuvering I have seen, but not the worst from this council.  From this council it is normal operating procedure.

Do you know that borough council is doing another end run around the rules so that they can get their way? Shortly after council abolished the Historic and Parks Commission they divided the authority and then asked for volunteers. Millie Dixon put in her resume and awaited the vote. If you will refer to the post on Feb 15th it can explain what occurred then. 
Last borough council meeting a vote was taken to either accept or decline Ms. Dixon's application. The vote was tied 3-3 for which the Mayor should have cast the deciding vote. Borough Council adjourned the meeting without the Mayor taking a vote. Ms. Dixon filed a complaint with the solicitor. The Mayor then contacted Ms. Dixon to discuss the situation and I was told that the mayor suggested that Ms. Dixon volunteer without being a voting member and then try again next time. Ms. Dixon then filed another complaint. Without contacting Ms. Dixon Borough Council advertised a meeting for tomorrow morning at 9am to finish the vote.
Downingtown Borough Council walks a fine line on a consistent basis just this side of legal. Had it been worth it they could have been brought up on charges for a statement made by Borough Council President that "they talked about it" when dissolving the original commission a year ago which was outside of any council meetings executive or public? Now they are looking to keep a woman who has given back to this community because she dared to call Mayor Maxwell out on his political stances and behavior. Millie Dixon was a staunch supporter of Mayor Maxwell, however when she discovered that Maxwell is not what he purports himself to be and is not above lying to get his way she became a dissenter. 
This is how borough council and Mayor Maxwell treat those who do not agree with them. Be it on small issues or big. I imagine that Councilors Winkler and Feldman at times feel like they are trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon when they attempt to listen to their constituents and do what is right and in the best interest of the people instead of their own personal agendas, and I feel for Councilor Rakoff that they are negating his point of view on this vote.

While it is great to have people on commissions and committees that agree with you it is not right to stack the deck with robots who will do your bidding.  I wonder when someone is going to take these people to task for their behavior or when the justice system will catch up with their manipulation of the rules.

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