Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Just Sad Today

Why am I just sad today?  Because I gave someone the benefit of the doubt and thought they were smarter than what has been shown.  Who did I give the benefit of the doubt?  The voters and residents of Downingtown.

Now before you say or think it's just sour grapes.....I will admit I don't understand why more people did not see what I see in my husband and yes I am sad that this election went the way that it did, but I like the rest of you, will have to live with this salmagundi that was created yesterday.

What I don't quite get is how voters don't see past the smarmy smiles and the prevaricating laughter.  The gentleman that will again be mayor creates abilities in his job and himself that he has no control over.  The Mayor of Downingtown has no say in a business coming to town, he cannot fix a situation with a bus route or bus service as a voter was lead to believe yesterday at the polls, and he most certainly has no more "work to do" in the borough.  That is unless he wishes to clean up some of the messes he has left behind by overstepping his boundaries?  Would he like to apologize to businesses and residents alike for going to the Liquor Control Board hearings to force Molly Maguire's liquor license through under the KOEZ at the expense of several other businesses? Or help the residents personally who are now not able to park on their own street because of a new business being opened before they were ready?  Oh wait he can't do that because he can't seem to move his own car out of  a two hour parking zone with only one ticket on it before it was towed.  Would he like to explain why he had to put one of two violations accrued in Coatesville on the payment plan, but could be out looking for a new vehicle in September?  Would he like to personally apologize to the young people whom he disenfranchised during the last Ghost Walk because a supporter asked him to put his daughter in a program for years that was running smoothly when an age limit was placed on it for participants to be 16 and costumed characters to be 18 and he arrogantly side stepped the Commission putting on the walk and had a 12 year old in costume and then flat out denied his culpability in the action?

And then we get to council president.  I am not sure how the voters could in good conscience vote back in a man who has been seen by many harassing other council members and others who attend meetings.  How does one reconcile placing a bully back on a presiding council that decides your future?  A bully who will only let a person speak or an idea to be heard if he agrees with it and interrupts, talks down to and is plain nasty when he doesn't?  Who was heard making fun of the people of Downingtown at the polls when they ask questions and want things done, but are not part of his crowd of cronies. 

I am sad today because honor and integrity are not part of my home towns make up.  That people still vote in others that they know are doing things that are either illegal or walk a fine line between legal and criminal and sleep soundly at night.  I am sad today because so many voices did not make themselves heard and a good man lost an election and a borough lost their chance to be redeemed just a bit and given back some honor, dignity and virtue.


  1. The Maxwell machine has come with a great cost to the people of Dtown. The people who have lived here for years are paying the price of his 'advancements'. I realize that people have different opinions and changing opinions. I, myself once wished that McDonalds on Lancaster Ave. had a playground attached to it, now that the kids are grown, a restaurants that serve my favorite wine is our dining choice. CHANGE should not cost so much or many. It should be 'for the good of the many' not 'for the good of the one'. Maxwell pushed for Main Street, so $25 thousand in taxpayer money went to them. Is there any accounting for what they have done with that money? Since 2 members of Main Street sit on the budget committee for the Boro they will probably get the money again. A new restaurant came in, Mayor Maxwell patted himself on the back, they are now gone w/o paying taxes due in 2014, The next one is in w/o proper parking. Long time residents fight for a space to park anywhere near the property they own. Maxwell gloats and residents struggle each day with 'no end in sight'. Maxwell over stepped his power to have a volunteer commission change THEIR event and accept a liability they were uncomfortable with to get his name in the paper for making one girl 'dream come true'. Taxpayers picked up the tab of several hundred dollars for the legal forms to be drawn up so the Boro would not be liable. Each time Maxwell gets his name in the paper, ego floated AND each time the taxpayer is the one who pays. Just about everyone on council scrambles to cover it up so that the Boro doesn't 'look bad'. I'm sure all taxpayers would agree that spending $300 of tax dollars on a legal waiver was well spent money so that they Mayor didn't look bad and a 12 year old could have her 'moment in the spotlight'. But hey, then the Mayor wouldn't have had his name on facebook for granting a little girl's dream. When the Mayor needed to leave his car on a public street for 3 weeks, the shop owner who lost a customer parking space by their store, was told that he had 'money issues' and couldn't afforded to have it towed, so as head of police department, made that space his space, with no fines, until he could move it. Yes, it's good to be 'King'. I had to laugh when he said he was responsible for the police bike patrol, gee, my kids are older that he is and I remember seeing a demo about the new patrol when my kids were in school, so......Maxwell did this when he was in 7th grade?
    By the way, it has been noticed, and word has spread that President Gazzero LOVES to verbally abuse women who question council, or come and present a problem under 'citizens to be heard', this happens after meetings, either in the hall, stairs or out in the parking lot. It's disgusting that the rest of council, and the heads of office in of our town whether they be on other commissions or part of our police and fire, or even other citizens stand by an let him speak this rudely to anyone during and after meetings. He is a BULLY with the mentally of a small child throwing a temper tantrum. Also noticed is that it's ONLY WOMEN who are older (60+), 2/3 his size or have other physical challenge that he singles out to vent on. Rarely is he addressing an agenda topic but rather it's just a rant in their face, loud and rude, about how they are 'ineffective', and should 'shut up'. He has disgraced the town with his behavior during meetings where guests such as the boy scouts were there to observed, and citizens were being given awards. He should be ashamed, and we should be ashamed we allow it.
    And yes, I will remain anonymous because retaliation is real, and alive and well with the current administration.

  2. What I don’t understand is why more people did not come out to vote.
    Why do people think that electing local government officials is less important than electing a president?

    There are 4,864 registered voters in the Borough and only 1,269 voted on Tuesday. I agree with you that honor and integrity are missing in the Borough. The erosion of honesty and integrity in the local government started about 15 years ago and has gotten progressively worse.

    Every two years members of Council are elected or re-elected. Every two years, 21% to 30% of registered voters here elect 3 residents to represent us on Council. Unfortunately, it’s obvious that our duly elected council members are not representative of our community. What is also obvious, especially in the last two years, is that they are not voting for the betterment of the Borough. They are voting for or against someone…because THEY don’t like someone, because THEY want someone else, and because THEY may not be the people we elected. THEY are following their own agenda …or that of others who may or may not live in the Borough.

    Because over 3,500 registered voters failed to make the effort to vote, the majority of those who did have voted in an Orwellian government. We, the residents of the Borough, are not being properly represented and unless we can remove the apathy of the majority of the registered voters here are powerless to do anything about it. More residents must show up at council meetings. More residents must voice their concern about what they see as abusive or unethical treatment of others. More residents should recognize the abuse of power when a council is nearing a vote that is obviously not in the best interest of the Borough.

    We need to be at more council meetings, we need to make sure our Council is honest, ethical and that they represent US, the people of the Borough!


  3. maybe just maybe the better man won

  4. maybe ... but I think history will look upon it differently. Sorry The better man is one who is law abiding, provides for his family, pays his taxes, has his own things in order, is not evicted from his home, a veteran, expects no special treatment, will not leave his car parked in a 2 hour spot for three weeks (mine would have been towed the first day), and will look you in the eye when he is speaking to you. None of which the current Mayor can claim now can he? So you tell me which is the "better" man? Both came to my home and spoke with me. There is no comparison.

    Better yet please tell me your definition of "better" because it looks nothing like mine. As unfortunate as it is, the "man" that won had the biggest bank account and was the incumbant, in a town that votes historically DEMOCRAT. I find your comments lacking in every aspect. It is obvious the master you serve is Josh or the Democratic party. If your bring Character into this war Josh is unarmed.


  5. While it’s true that the Borough ‘votes historically Democrat,’ the majority of the voters are Republican. I don’t think which side of the aisle is considered – or should be considered at the local level. The mayor is not mature enough and should not have been considered ‘electable’ at all. Unfortunately, he had the financial backing of a number of powerful people…yes, obviously Democrats. Having talked with friends and neighbors, I discovered they had voted for whom they felt would best represent the residents of the borough, as opposed to someone else’s agenda.

    I don’t think the mayor has managed his own bank account well at all. He didn’t have the cash to get the car towed and have it repaired. My friends and I did NOT vote for Josh.

    There was at least one person now on Council who was on both tickets in the general election 2 years ago. Are they registered Democrats or Republicans? One council member hasn't been to meetings for quite some time. Democrat or Republican? Does it matter? Why hasn't this person come to meetings? When Ms Feldman missed a meeting, there were rumors all over the Borough as to what the reason may have been. It’s no longer announced who, on council, missed the opening prayer and salute to the flag. Why is that?

    Most elected officials here are filled with resentment and have gone to great lengths to make matters as bad as possible for others. Their petty attitude and obvious ‘dirty tricks’ have gotten in the way of appropriate behavior that all council members – and mayor – should carry with them whether they are sitting in Council Chambers or outside talking to their constituents.

    This council is a sham.

  6. The best man won, Counsel president, Outstanding. There are plenty of places to live outside of Downingtown, take your pick.....soon

  7. Gee should I ask....Cara perchance yet again? Or one of the people that Chip was making fun of in front of Alert. Yes he was heard just as was the mayor. You are entitled to your opinion. Why would we want to leave when we have a chance to expose the type of people that have retained their offices. See the thing is if more residents attended more council meeting they would see who they really put in office. The only reason someone would want me or us to leave is if they know that I or we are a more formidable foe than you thought. It doesn't take an election to expose the truth or expose evil.

  8. HA! Elaine, that was GREAT! Ya know, it could be that witch who calls herself "suzieQ12" or "suzie q smyth." Really vicious in comments in the DLN. Do you think Chip would clean up his act if there were more people watching him?...Nah!

    1. You must have hit a nerve. "SuzyQ" deleted his posts from Facebook. Maybe we should ask his Facebook friend, Kathy Murphy Iezzi who he really is.

    2. HA! Suzie's running scared. just changed his name from Suzie Q Smyth to Smyth Suzie as though he could hide. He also just hid his friends. Coward's afraid of being found out.

    3. Nice fireplace. Is that where you're burning all the evidence of your online bullying and libelous content?

    4. To be libelous it would have to also be wrong. Nothing that I have stated is wrong. They are things that I have seen and heard. I also don't have a fireplace so not quite sure what your point would be.

    5. Elaine, I believe that poster has been directing her last four off topic posts towards me. I find them to be harassing, and an invasion of my privacy and I would appreciate it if you would see to removing them from your blog. Nothing I post is libelous, I speak only the truth, but this poster is somehow related to AF and is therefore offended by anything anyone writes about her. Thank you.

    6. So what you are telling me is that you ARE SuziQ? Ok so the poster outed you, so that isn't libelous. If your profile on Facebook is not private then you need to change your profile settings. I had to do it myself a while ago, but if your profile is public then everyone knows who your friends are and what you post. OR if you are posting on the DLN Facebook page and then have deleted your posts then what the poster said is true. If this Kathy person agrees with you, an assumption is made that this person is your friend just like you made the assumption that the poster is related to, I am supposing you meant An Feldman. I can ask the poster to play nice and stop trying to get back at what you have posted on a public Facebook page on my blog, but just as I have only ever deleted posts for language and once for direct harassment of my family the person has a right to post what he/she wants just as you do.

      Now if the above poster gets really personal and posts who you are and you wish to remain anonymous then I have cause. The poster has a right to be offended by anything that you post about Ann that is negative if she is her friend, relative or employee just as anyone that I mentioned family, friend or employee has the right to be offended by what I wrote.

      One thing I have learned is that anything that you say in a blog or on a Facebook post, you better be ready to say in person to the person you are talking about or to repeat what you have said about a situation in writing in public.

      Since I don't know who anyone is unless they post under a named account I can't tell you that he/she followed you from another site, or is truly harassing you. Invasion of privacy would only be if he/she states who you really are or names a family member. If any of those occur I will be glad to remove the posts then as that has stepped over the line. As of right now the poster is merely baiting you.

    7. No problem, Elaine, I guess I just expected a little more of you.
      If this is how you wanted your blog site to be, that's your choice.
      In the meantime I will contact the Blogger site myself to submit my concerns in the event the harassment continues.


    8. I am not sure why you are upset with me. Harassment is by definition, to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute and I am not sure how what the other anonymous poster I saying rises to that as you are yet another anonymous poster. If you are Suzie Q or whatever your pseudonym is and you post on a public Facebook page or the DLN site itself comments then you as Suzie Q or Smythe or whatever are open to comments about your behavior where-ever someone should wish to comment. I am not sure why I am the one responsible for the obvious ongoing fight with another poster that was brought here.

      Also like I said if you post on Facebook anyone can click the link of your name and find out who your friends are if your privacy settings are not adjusted so that no one can do that. So what I am trying to find out is why I am responsible for anyone else's online persona and any snide or snarky comments made about it by someone else. I am responsible for what I write and I will be responsible if someone curses at, uses foul language, threatens or is telling verifiable untruths about someone. If I delete the above poster's comments from here then you have admitted that you are Suzie Q or whomever and therefore you are then responsible for deleting any and ALL comments that you have made about others from other sites that they did not like.

      Do I like being called blabcock? No not really but it's a small speck in the "space time continum of my life" so it's so totally not worth it. Contact blogger if it will make you feel better, but I doubt that they will be able to do any more than I have. Good luck.

    9. SuzieQ sure can dish it out, but can't take it. Elaine, the fireplace comment was not directed at you. Sorry if it was misunderstood. As you said and as everyone knows, anything posted on Facebook that is not marked private is public. Your friends, your posts, your fireplace pictures, your posts about Asians. If Suzy didn't mark it private to begin with, she has no one to blame but herself if people commented on it, especially if you're the one going around Facebook, the DLN and this blog instigating trouble.


  9. To the person that posted that "maybe" the best man won. The very fact that you have to quantify your statement with two maybe's shows me that not even you are sure.

    What I would really love it to see is all those who voted for these people to actually show up at a council meeting. Reading the minutes does not show the nastiness in comments made or what citizens actually complained about or what they said was going well. Until you sit in several council meetings and listen to the ignorant tones, the disdain and the plain rotten to the core attitudes that some of these people have you have NO idea what you voted back into office.

    1. you have one bitter attitude towards downingtown, the council the mayor the democrats who else is on your hate list why do you pick so many fights

    2. Bitter attitude toward Downingtown? Ummm you do not read well do you. I LOVE my town. If I didn't do you think that working to change it would be high on my list of priorities? Downingtown can be so much more than what has been happening lately.

      A long litigation case over a park that has cost us more money than is worth it. We have had to take out a bond to pay for the things that were promised to people places and things without having the money in the bank. A development that was voted down that will make it that much more for the new train station to be moved. When we are portrayed on TV it isn't as a historical town with some awesome sites and places that have significance in state and the country's history, but as "Beertown". New businesses being given a pass so that the mayor can have his fundraisers and then given another pass on a liquor license (in the KOEZ which means no taxes) and being able to open without ample parking that disenfranchises the residents living nearby.

      I am the one who hates Downingtown? I care about the residents, I care about the businesses that have been here for a long time and them getting the same fair hand that new ones do. I care that the police department works properly and that NO ONE is above the law not even if you are the mayor and in charge of the department. I care that there are rules and regulations put into place and cannot just be changed to suit the needs of those on council at their whim.

      As for the democrats I don't care what party you are. It just so happens that the ones who don't care about anyone but themselves are democrats. If they were Republicans I would expect the same higher standards from them that I expect from anyone in public office.

      What fight am I picking? Fighting for what is right for the borough? Why not go ask your mayor and your borough council president what they were laughing and making jokes about at the polls. My son whom they forgot was working the polls for his very first time voting and he heard them clear as day. I never prompted him nor did I ask, he told me freely that those gentlemen were calling residents stupid and what do they expect, for them to really help them?

      You might want to go back and think before you type. I care more about the place I live in than you will ever know and I am sad for the residents that those voted back in office don't it's just there own little fiefdom. Oh yeah and when the mayor moves on in March with a new campaign for a new state rep seat remind me again who cares about Downingtown and who is using their office as a rung on a ladder.

    3. bla bla bla blabcock

  10. This has to be Steve Ketchum or some other bottom feeder. Does not have the mind or chops to even reply in a civilized manner. Shame

    1. just a surfer reading who has attend council meetings and has observed

    2. bla bla bla blabcock

    3. Yea .. This is real mature. It is the real act of a coward when they have to resort to names like this and do not even say thier real name. it's one thing to add a comment that is fruitful and helpful that is anonymous. These are the words of a coward.


  11. So if this is Steve Ketchum or one of his merry band, they have attended meetings......maybe 6 in 6 years, but they have attended. If it is any of these people or even not, feel sorry for them as a coherent thought seems to be beyond them and this is the very type of people that the mayor and council president were making fun of. We should feel bad for them because if they seem to think that their loyalty will get them a big job once the mayor bids for the big seat in Harrisburg, they have no idea that he will divest himself of them like he does socks.

    So if you need to come here and try and denigrate me (by the way you did a pea poor job) go right ahead because we know you need an outlet for all those delusions of grandeur.

  12. I must say while researching the candidates for mayor, I came across your blog. I have to be honest and tell you that your blog was the #1 reason why I didn't vote for your husband. You actually seem to hate many things about this Borough and can't seem to see any of the good. I'll compare it to the people who hate a President so much that they can't see anything good that they do. And then I started seeing your name more on Facebook. You often say something negative (not just about Dtown) but anything in general.

    In my 5 years of living here, I think the Borough has never looked better. Is living here perfect? No, but I've also lived in Upper Darby where life pretty much sucks anymore.
    I don't know Josh Maxwell personally. I do think he has done a decent job with PR and portraying Dtown as being a Good Neighbor Community. Previous Mayors didn't have the time to do that it seems. With that being said, he has a ton of growing up to do and I don't think he's ready for real politics. But in any case, did you ever stop to think that the majority of people living in Dtown are pretty happy with their life and therefore, continued to vote for those who felt the same way? Just sayin'

  13. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comments. With that said I can honestly say that if you based your decision on my blog alone then A) you didn't do ANY research and B) you are allowed your opinion. You seemed to have not read thoroughly what I have been saying, but hey that's ok. Downingtown is my home and I do love it and because I do I care when it is being mismanaged and poorly run. I don't like to stand by and let injustices happen just because it's easier to keep my mouth shut.

    My husband is thankfully my quiet and steady opposite so the very fact that you say you voted due to this blog shows me that you did very little if any research and if you had you would have voted on the issues. This blog is not central to any search on Google, nor is it a big deal anywhere so it doesn't fool me when people say that while doing research they came across the blog.

    5 years in Downingtown? Welcome! So when you really have lived here and maybe attend a council meeting or two, honestly get to know the people who are running your town then come back and we can debate ISSUES. Until then I hope you enjoy your life here in Downingtown....I know I have for the last 20 years, I am just willing to work to make it that much better......are you?

  14. BTW the only way you could have seen anything I say on Facebook is if you were friends with any of my friends or mine so that shows that you have been less than honest here.

    1. been here alot longer than you

    2. Congrats! So have a lot of people......your point Steve or Dorothy?

  15. Actually you post on a lot of borough related FB pages that I am also a fan of. We "like" a lot of the same pages. I noticed your last name and did a google on Tony and you, and your Blog came up. It's really that simple. And I have been a bit active in the Borough since moving here and am currently being considered for one of the Boards. I have been to Borough meetings and I can say now that I have seen you there, often making snide remarks. Am I heavily involved in the inner circle of politics here? No, I am not, and I prefer it to stay that way. I'm here to make my community a better place. Did I research all of the candidates before voting? You bet I did! Your husband seems like a wonderful person who loves his town. No doubt about that. But with all the negativity that you portray on FB and now on this blog, it just really left an awful feeling in my stomach. As if you're very difficult to work with. And I will admit, that's not fair when it comes to your husband, but I am afraid that is the truth for me.

  16. Well now I pretty much guess who you are and you are still being less than truthful, but that's ok. I don't post on many sites anymore so there is your first "untruth" and I haven't in awhile. So you researched all the candidates? So how did Phil stack up against the rest of them Francine? There are only so many people that attend council meetings on a regular basis and a handful that are more consistent, so that narrows things down. As for the snide remarks when something is said that is less than truthful I may make a side comment to my husband or a friend of ours that attends the meetings, but I guess you don't listen close enough when I mention that someone made a really good point since you are only listening for the "snide" ones. You don't have to like me and if Tony lost one vote because you don't like me that 's ok, but I know he gained a few votes too because I spoke to people. No one has to like everyone in this world, but since you hardly know me, to make a judgment call on who I am as a person well that is your issue to deal with. You have NEVER worked with me and probably won't so you don't know do you. However, I have enough humility to admit when I am wrong and I was wrong about Ann Feldman. While I still take a slightly different stance than she did and still does on Kardon Park she is a lovely woman and very easy to work with. So if she and I can manage to make things work and I took her out at the knees more than once then I must have some redeeming qualities. I don't have to explain myself to you. There are plenty of people that I don't like as a person, but know that they would and can do a wonderful job for the community. There are people that I do like as a person and I know that they would be a detriment to the community in an official position, but I take people for what they are worth not the value I wish to place on them. I also don't say anything about anyone that I wouldn't say to their face. That's called not being duplicitous I hope Phil has a fairly easy 1000 days till retirement.

  17. Elaine,
    As the owner of this blog you have the responsibility to follow the Terms of Service that Blogger requires of you. If you feel that the intrinsic value of keeping a post that reveals the name of a completely innocent, uninvolved, private individual whose exposure is for the sole purpose of harassing and intimidating another poster is some how worth it, that's a reflection of your character.

    I do not post on Facebook. I do not have a blog. I do not have an "obvious on going fight with another poster that was brought here". What I do have is a stalker....a disgruntled poster who has been digging around and is using what ever she can find to try and intimidate me, that's harassment, not "baiting" as you put it.

    I can change my screen name, close my Facebook account, no problem but it absolutely blows me away that you would be so indignant about removing that post for the sake of preserving an innocent person's privacy. Seriously, is that what you take a stand for?

    And "Towanda", I can take anything you or anyone else can dish out about me,
    but what I won't tolerate is a deliberate abuse of power over the innocent.

    1. Now you have made me miffed. I am about done with you throwing a tantrum because you want me to remove a post that you don't like. I am upholding the terms of service and the First Amendment. I don't like all the things that are said here, or a lot of other places, but unless they are inciting violence or using words that are vulgar they have every right to say them. If you have a stalker that is your issue to deal with. I cannot say that the person posting is that person as I do not know who it is nor do I know who you are. Who is this person wielding power over? What innocent person are they hurting according to you?

      You come here and try and besmirch MY character and expect me to bow to your wishes because you deem it so. Point out exactly where this person has done something harmful to you. Point out where this person is stalking you on THIS site.

      I will tell you that if you don't stop trying to strong arm me into doing as you wish just on your say so I will delete posts, but they will be yours that are attacking my character when I don't even know you. You have a lot of nerve saying that I stand for the kind of behavior that you accuse me of allowing here. You have no proof that this is happening on my site and you come here and start pointing "fingers" at me for this person hurting you.

      If you indeed have a stalker then I wish you much luck in ridding yourself of this person. It can be scary and un-nerving, but if you ignore most people they will go away.

  18. Yeah, thanks bunches Elaine.

  19. “Suzy”, when you created a fake Facebook account (a violation of Facebook’s terms, by the way) using your friend to do so, and went around on FB, the DLN, and blogs using that same name to stir up beehives, YOU are the one who dragged her into it. I wouldn’t be very happy with you if I were your friend. Of course people are going to look at your profile and try to figure out who you are, and they will use the clues that you left there for the public to see. That’s not “stalking” that’s curiosity, so don’t be ridiculous. I think it’s pretty clear to anyone paying attention to this who you are. Yes, this all fits in very well with Elaine's original post about honor and integrity in Downingtown politics. This is very much relevant to the topic at hand. The fact that you are so upset that someone merely mentioned the name of your friend as a clue shows you are not proud of what SuzyQ has been up to. You know what they say about karma.

  20. I'm SO confused! I honestly don't know anyone, just found this blog while researching. Good day!

  21. Well isn’t that a fine howdiyadoo to Downingtown? Just ignore the discord. It’s similar to the greeting of blighted, spray-painted, shambles of buildings that greet visitors coming into town on 322. Ignore that as well. Council does.

    1. Do some research on why the buildings are still blighted. Just a few months ago council after a long protracted hearing on conditional use voted down River Station East.

  22. Elaine I have to let ya know iv enjoyed reading your post!

  23. I can't wait to read ur blog about lastnights meeting(12-4-13)....what a mess our town is becoming makes me a bit sick just thinking about it....
