Cara is a very busy young woman. She is the founder of the ad hoc group IDEAL, works tirelessly within the borough on many committees and groups and is an up and coming professional. She is also known around her area of town by the company she keeps, Rufus her dog. Here are Cara's answers to my questions.
Q:You have been voted in to take over the position that will be vacated by Josh Maxwell on the planning commission, you are the founder of IDEAL and you have a full time position in the workforce, how do you propose to juggle all that along with a position on Borough Council?
A:It is my wide range of education and experience, as well as skill in managing my time and efforts that makes me a strong candidate. I would not have made the decision to run for Borough Council if I did not feel that I could give it my full attention and be fully committed to helping Downingtown and its residents grow and thrive.
Q:IDEAL has gone head to head with Friends of Kardon Park. Ann Feldman is the founder and president of FOKP and will be a council member until 2013. Do you foresee a potential contention between the two of you when an issue or ordinance that pertains to growth in the borough is brought before council?
A:Not at all. I feel that the members of Borough Council should make every effort to make Downingtown’s Council a forum where citizens as well as council members can voice their opinions on critical issues. That is why we have a council – to discuss items that face the Borough and to vote on them. It is one of the things that makes our town so successful – a group of people coming together to do what is best for their residents and business owners.
Q:What is your best skill/asset that you will bring to Borough Council?
A:Open mindedness and my interest in what is best for the Downingtown and its residents and businesses. My many years of experience in the work force has helped me to be able to evaluate both sides of an argument, and make a decision based on the facts, not based on emotions. This kind of decision-making is critical if we are to keep moving Downingtown forward in a thoughtful manner.
There you have it, Cara's bid to be your next Borough Council member. We have one candidate to go and for the interest of time I shall be putting up that one very soon as the polls are open tomorrow at 7AM. So exercise your right and VOTE.
The ad hoc group IDEAL can be found here