As we all know Tuesday is election day here in our little corner of the country. There are several heated contests and some that a few people would like to think were heated, but they produce about as much of a temperature rise as lighter in an empty room. If you have read anything I wrote lately especially then you know my leanings, but with that being said I urge you to get out and vote. What I caution is that you know who you are voting for. It's dangerous to go to the polls uninformed and it's also in my eyes irresponsible. I have never come into an election year without researching a bit about a candidate;both sides of the aisle. I also make a decision as to what issues are deal breakers for me and what aren't. Something that is minor for me compared to something that will effect me for years to come is not what I am going to base my vote on. Also I know that if it comes down to it a fight about the minor issue is easier when you come from common ground in other areas.
Go to the candidates websites, read what they have to say (yes I know some tend to be long winded), check their voting record, look at their experience not only if they have been in a seat of power before but what will they bring if they haven't, and then ask yourself is this person going to represent me the best he/she knows how. Nothing is full proof and sometimes we make major mistakes when voting individuals in, but that can be rectified next term.
Here is who and what you as Pennsylvanians will be voting for:
US Senator
6 year term
Pat Toomey (R)
Joe Sestak (D)
Governor of PA
4 year term
Dan Onorato (D)
Tom Corbett (R)
US Representative
2 year term
Jim Gerlach (R)
Manan Trivedi (D)
State Representative District 155
2 year term
Barbara Bergeron (D)
Curt Schroder (R)
So make the choice for yourself and don't always follow part line rhetoric. Good luck and GET OUT AND VOTE!
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