There have been lost of things going through my head lately and I thought of how Andy Rooney would complain about random things, so I am going to take a page from him.
Did you ever wonder what makes people think that a last ditch effort to make someone else look bad was ever thought to be effective? The borough council meeting on December 21st was painful to say the least. It's not as if after the second person got up who lived in the same neighborhood or even the same street that the agenda was not known. I sat there rather irritated at the childish antics that had emerged, through a poem that had no place in council chambers and questions that the answers had been given over and over again and then even a personal attack on Jamie Bruton. I thought what do they really think they are going to accomplish other than make themselves look silly and a bit vindictive? Then those very same people left once they had tried their best to humiliate council members and other issues were discussed which effect their lives just as much, but I will leave their motives to you to figure out as they were quite transparent.
Did you ever wonder why people think that just because they are family of friends that they can take advantage of you? My husband and I had just that experience. There was contract in place and what was done is a clear violation of said contract, but to take it to court would cost more than at this point it is worth. It still makes my blood boil a bit when just because you know people on a personal basis that they feel it's OK to bend the rules or even break the law.
Did you ever wonder why people who meet in a store feel it's their due to stand in the middle of the aisle or in front of merchandise and chat to their hearts content catching up on Aunt June's bunion surgery and then are offended when you say excuse me in a loud voice since they didn't move the first three times? Why is it that people find it necessary to block aisles and "catch up" when most of us, especially in a grocery store, want to get our stuff and get out? Do they not own telephones that they can call these people later? Do they not have their email address so that they can regularly correspond? In this world of instant communication one would think that, "Hey how are you? Give me a call later!" would be a great way to get the job done and get out of the way.
Do you ever wonder why people feel that people in the service industry like car salesman don't have families that they would like to go home to, or that they actually do have to make some money on the goods that they are selling? So many times people walk into a dealership at 8:45pm and wish to go on a test drive and then have the salesperson "run numbers" when the dealership closes at 9pm. Then the customer promptly tries to guilt the salesperson into it by asking "Well don't you want a sale?" Yes they want a sale, but the dealership has been open for 12 hours already and some of them have been there all day and want to go home. Then there is the customer who wants to negotiate because the salesperson "makes so much money on each car." Want the low down on sales receipts? A salesperson makes a mini deal on a new car which means maybe $ after you get done with taxes and health care there is maybe $50 left. Yes a salesperson may sell 5 new cars that week, but $250 a week take home does not pay for much. Then there is the all important customer who thinks that he or she should pay for the sky and get the sun, moon and stars thrown in for free.
Did you ever wonder why at a time in the year when happiness and good will toward man (no offense ladies) should be abundant, it's in such short supply? Have you said, "Thank you" or "Yes please" or "Thanks for your help" lately? If not maybe you need to take a personal inventory and clean out the crud.
No matter what 2011 has been an eventful year and I am sure that 2012 shall be just as exciting. I hope that everyone has a happy and healthy NEW YEAR!